Statement on the Supreme Court Verdict on Indyref2

“The UK is supposed to be an equal union of nations. Today’s decision by the Supreme Court means that this is no longer true. One member is unable to leave under its own volition and is left with no effective mechanism for deciding its own destiny. This is true for each of the members except England which effectively holds a tyranny of the majority over the other three nations.

A number of promises were made to Scottish voters before the last independence referendum, the vast majority of which have either been abandoned or ignored. Scotland was dragged out of the European Union against its will, even though the remain vote in the Brexit referendum was larger than the remain vote in the first Independence Referendum. Any claims to be a democratic Union of equals has ended today in the Supreme Court in London. It is for the people of Scotland to choose whether they wish to remain in the United Kingdom, it is not for an English Government with no mandate in any of the celtic countries to dictate.

The Green Party firmly believes in democracy, which is why we support both Proportional Representation and the devolution of power to the most appropriate level of government.”

Chris Evans – councillor for Mayals ward

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