Issued/Approved 27 February 2016

1. TITLE AND FORM 1.1 The names of the party shall be Plaid Werdd Abertawe a Gŵyr – Swansea & Gower Green
Party (hereafter referred to as “the party”). The accepted abbreviations of these shall be PWAG
and SGGP respectively. In all publications and general usage these names and abbreviations
shall be interchangeable and synonymous. 1.2 The party is a constituent part of the Green Party of England and Wales and is subject to its
rules and constitution.

1.3 The party is also a constituent part of Plaid Werdd Cymru – The Wales Green Party.

2. GEOGRAPHICAL REMIT AND LINKS 2.1 The activities of the party will generally take place within the geographical areas of the
parliamentary constituencies of Gower, Swansea East and Swansea West. 2.2 From time to time the party will conduct joint campaigns and events with other local parties
throughout Wales. 2.3 The party may also conduct campaigns and events in adjoining areas that are not covered by
an existing local Green Party with the aim of stimulating the formation of such a local party. 2.4 The party will maintain regular links with local Green Parties in neighbouring areas, in
particular Neath-Port Talbot, Bridgend and Carmarthenshire. Representatives of these local
parties will be invited to attend meetings of the party as non-voting participants. Similarly,
members of the party are encouraged to attend meetings of local parties in adjoining areas.

3. OBJECTS AND AIMS 3.1 The object of the party shall be to promote the aims of the Green Party of England and Wales,
which are: a. To develop and implement ecological policies consistent with ‘The Philosophical Basis’ of the
party as expressed in ‘The Manifesto for a Sustainable Society’.
b. To that end, to win seats at all levels of government.
c. To organise any non-violent activity which will publicise and further the first two aims.

4. MEMBERSHIP 4.1 Full membership of the party is automatically conferred on all members of the Green Party of
England and Wales resident within the geographical areas of the parliamentary constituencies of
Gower, Swansea East and Swansea West. By agreement of a Business Meeting of the party, full
membership may also be conferred on any member of the Green Party of England and Wales
resident in a neighbouring area where no formally constituted local party exists. 4.2 Members must not also be a member of another political party (other than Green Parties
abroad) at the same time. Should a member join another political party their membership of the
party will be deemed to have ceased automatically from the date of joining the other party.

4.3 Associate Membership: a. Individuals may apply for Associate Membership (also known as Local Membership) of the
party, provided they subscribe to the Objects and Aims of the party and subject to the
qualifications at 4.1 and 4.2 above.
b. Any person who has been expelled from or refused membership of the Green Party or any
local party of the Green Party will not be eligible for Associate Membership.
c. Associate Membership does not confer membership of the Green Party of England and
Wales, although all Associate Members will be encouraged to take out full membership in
due course.
d. Associate Members may attend and speak at all meetings of the party, but are not allowed
to vote on the business of, nor hold office in, nor receive the services of the Green Party of
England and Wales.
e. Subscription rates for Associate Membership will be fixed at the party AGM each year. All
subscriptions for Associate Membership will accrue to the party alone.

5. ORGANISATION 5.1 Routine management of the party will be vested in the following Officers: Chair, Secretary,
Treasurer, Elections Agent and Local Party Contact. Only members of the Green Party of
England and Wales are permitted to hold these posts. 5.2 In addition, the party may choose to elect such other officers as are deemed necessary for the
effective management of the party, including, but not limited to: Press Officer, Fundraiser, Local
Party Development Officer, Campaigns Co-ordinator, Social Secretary and Website Editor.

5.3 All party officers will be elected annually at the AGM to serve until the AGM following. 5.4 No member may be elected to the same post for more than 5 terms consecutively except as
laid down by 5.5b. below. 5.5 Vacancies:
a. Should a vacancy arise in any of the above posts, a temporary replacement may be
appointed by a quorate Business Meeting. Nominations must be supported by three
current members, at least one of whom must be an elected officer. Temporary officers will
serve until the AGM following appointment.
b. If the vacant post is considered vital to the good management of the party, and the only
available candidate has already served in that post for 5 terms consecutively, then the
restriction at 5.4 above may be suspended by agreement at the AGM for one further term
only in order to give the party time to find a suitable replacement at the next AGM 5.6 Party Officers are jointly and individually responsible for ensuring that the business of the party
is conducted in accordance with this Constitution and in the spirit of the Philosophical Basis of The
Green Party. 5.7 All party officers are required to submit a brief report to each Business Meeting and an annual
report for acceptance by the AGM.


6.1 Business Meetings: a. The party will hold regular Business Meetings in order to discuss, plan and implement the
business of The Party. Frequency of Business Meetings will be decided by the AGM.
b. The quorum for a Business Meeting will be 3 officers and 4 other members (i.e. members
who are not also elected or temporary officers of the party).
c. If any Business Meeting is not quorate, discussion may continue but the Chair and
Treasurer must ratify all decisions regarding the use of the party name and logo or involving
financial commitment before they can proceed.

6.2 Discussion Meetings: a. The party will hold regular Discussion Meetings in order to stimulate debate within the party.
Frequency of Discussion Meetings will be decided by the AGM.
b. Discussion Meetings may focus on any subject of interest to party members. Guest
Speakers with specialised knowledge may be invited and non-members are welcome to
attend at the invitation of party members.
c. Discussion Meetings are not authorised to make decisions on behalf of the party. Any
motions formulated by a Discussion Meeting must be submitted to a Business Meeting or
AGM as appropriate for approval.

6.3 Annual General Meetings: a. The party will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year in autumn, but preferably
not less than 4 months prior to any major election or referendum.
b. The AGM is the policy-making forum of the party and the only body empowered to amend
this Constitution.
c. The main business of the AGM will be acceptance of the annual reports of current party
officers, election of new party officers and debate on motions submitted by members.
d. The quorum for the AGM will be either: 10% of the Full Membership of the party; or 5
officers and 6 ordinary members (i.e. full members who are not also elected or temporary
officers of the party) – whichever is the fewer.

6.4 Election Meetings: a. During election campaigns for any level of Local or National Government, the Chair will
convene an Election Meeting as soon as practicable after the selection of candidates is
b. Details of the Election Meeting must be communicated to all members of the party at least 1
week in advance.
c. The purpose of the Election Meeting will be to formulate an Election Strategy and to
consider how best to support individual candidates.

6.5 Emergency Meetings: a. An Emergency Meeting of the party may be called at the request of at least 5 members.
b. Requests for an Emergency Meeting should be submitted to the Chair who will convene the
meeting within 14 days of receipt of the request.
c. All party members must be given at least 7 days notice of an Emergency Meeting.
d. Emergency Meetings may be called to discuss any subject of major importance to the party
that cannot be held over until the next Business Meeting or AGM as appropriate.

7. OPENNESS, ACCOUNTABILITY & CONFIDENTIALITY 7.1 The Green Party is committed to open and accountable decision-making. The party also
recognises that confidentiality is required in certain, limited circumstances. 7.2 Every effort will be made to reach decisions by consensus. In the absence of consensus,
decisions will be made by a simple majority vote unless otherwise specified (e.g. two-thirds
majority required for amendment of this Constitution).

8. ELECTION OF PARTY OFFICERS 8.1 Election of party officers at the AGM will be by secret ballot using the Single Transferable Vote
(STV) system. The option to “Re-open Nominations” (RON) will be given in all cases. 8.2 Provision will be made for members to vote by post prior to the AGM. Members will be given
at least 2 weeks to return ballot papers. 8.3 Alternatively, members may submit ballots at the AGM either in person or by proxy. In the
case of proxy votes the ballot paper must be signed by the “voter” to certify that they have
authorised the “proxy” to submit the ballot paper on their behalf 8.4 The result of the election of party officers will be notified to all members within 7 days of the

9. SELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR LOCAL AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT NB: Only Full Members of The Green Party of England and Wales may stand as candidates for The Green
Party at any level of government.

9.1 Community Councils: a. Members wishing to stand as a candidate for election to a Community Council within the
geographical remit of the party must submit a request for endorsement to the Chair at least
one calendar month before the close of nominations for the election.
b. Requests must be supported by at least two current members resident within the area
covered by the Community Council. Where there are insufficient members living in the area
covered by the Community Council, the request should be supported by two officers of the
c. The Chair will submit Community Council requests to the next Business Meeting for
consideration. The announcement of the meeting must contain details of the request and
must be sent to all members of the party. Members should be invited to submit any
objections to the Chair by the date of the meeting if they are unable to attend the meeting in
d. If 5 or more objections are received, or if the Business Meeting does not endorse the
request, then the candidate may not use the name of the party for election purposes.

9.2 Local Government: a. The Chair will call for nominations for local government candidates at least 3 calendar
months prior to any such election. Members will be given a period of at least 2 weeks to
submit nominations.
b. Nominations must be supported by two current members resident within the area covered
by the local government seat involved. Where there are insufficient members living in the
area covered by the seat, the request should be supported by two officers of the party.
c. Selection of candidates will be by secret postal ballot of all party members using the Single
Transferable Vote (STV) system. The option to “Re-open Nominations” (RON) will be given
in all cases. Details of all nominations received will be circulated to all members of the
party. Members will be given at least 2 weeks to return ballot papers.
d. The Chair will inform all candidates of the outcome of the ballot immediately on completion
of the count of ballot papers so that successful candidates may begin campaigning.
e. The Chair will make a formal report of the outcome of the ballot at the next Business
Meeting, or at an Election Meeting if earlier.

9.3 National Assembly for Wales: The procedure for selection of candidates for election to the National Assembly for Wales is laid
down in the Wales Green Party Constitution.

9.4 Westminster Parliament: a. The Chair will call for nominations for candidates for the Westminster Parliament at least 3
calendar months prior to the expected date of a General Election. Members will be given at
least 2 weeks to submit nominations.
b. Nominations must be supported by two current members resident within the area covered
by the Westminster seat involved. Where there are insufficient members living in the area
covered by the seat, the request should be supported by two officers of the party.
c. Selection of candidates will be by secret postal ballot of all Full Members using the Single
Transferable Vote (STV) system. The option to “Re-open Nominations” (RON) will be given
in all cases. Details of all nominations received will be circulated to all Full Members of the
party. Members will be given at least 2 weeks to return ballot papers.
d. The Chair will inform all candidates of the outcome of the ballot immediately on completion
of the count of ballot papers so that successful candidates may begin campaigning.
e. The Chair will make a formal report of the outcome of the ballot at the next Business
Meeting, or at an Election Meeting if earlier.

9.5 By-Elections: All members of the party will be informed of any pending By-Election for any level of Local or
National Government as soon as practicable, and every effort will be made to conform to the
procedures laid down above. However, given that By-Elections are often called at short notice, particularly where local government is concerned, the Chair may use her/his discretion regarding
timescales for nominations and selection of candidates.

10. WINDING UP THE PARTY 10.1 The party may be formally wound up by a quorate Business Meeting if, following consultation
with all active members of the party, this is deemed appropriate. 10.2 In the event that the party is wound up, either formally as above or by removal from the list of
active local parties in Wales in accordance with the Wales Green Party Constitution, all monies
held in the party bank account will revert to Wales Green Party. 10.3 In the event that Swansea and Gower Green Party is wound up, this Constitution authorises
any and all banks holding accounts on behalf of Swansea and Gower Green Party to release and
transfer funds held to the Treasurer of Wales Green Party.

11. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 11.1 Any matters of dispute involving members of the party should be raised with the Chair of the
party in the first instance. The Chair will attempt to resolve the dispute in discussion with all
11.2 If any of the parties involved do not wish to submit the matter to the Chair, or if the Chair is
unable to resolve the dispute by discussion, or if the dispute concerns the conduct of the Chair,
members have the right to refer the matter directly to the Green Party Disputes Resolution
Committee for attention. The Disputes Resolution Committee may be contacted via Party Office in
11.3 Disputes Resolution Committee can only provide a mediation service and both parties must
agree to their involvement. Matters that require official or disciplinary action (such as a breach of
party rules) should be referred to Green Party Regional Council.
11.4 All members agree conduct themselves in-person and online within the spirit of values and
behaviours set out in GPEW Code of Conduct, and the current Wales Green Party Social Media
Standards Document.

12. REVISION OF THE CONSTITUTION 12.1 This Constitution may only be revoked or amended by a two-thirds majority of members
voting at the AGM.

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